Take it as just another r-ship hardship to be dealt with head-on. You've got to compromise, and hopefully your superior music taste will radiate onto your significant other. Is what their listening to just a guilty pleasure? Don't hold it against them if they just have to hear "I'm a Slave 4 U" once in a while, or crank "Bawitdaba" when it comes on the radio. You can't expect everyone to like what you like, however "superior" it may be, and you can't expect whomever you're dating to automatically take to your preferences.
Believe it or not, for a few years me and Dan had pretty much identical taste in music. Then I stopped lying to myself because I just can't deny pop, and there's nothing wrong with that. When I'm by myself, I listen to whatever speaks to me at that moment. Yeah, I still pull up some of Dan's go-to jewels, Iron & Wine or the New Amsterdams, when the time is right because it takes me back. But when Dan and I are sharing listening space, we trade off. One album for me (ladies first), one album for him. All under one circumstance - the other person can't hate what you want to play. And I mean hate like you hate getting a flat tire on the freeway. I've ex-ed a couple of bands, and Dan's done the same. And you'll be happy to know we both fully enjoy Justin Timberlake. (Remember, it's always sweet when it's your album turn and you pick one of your boo's favies.)
So in other words, don't freak out about what your lovely listens to in their own time. But when you're together, lean on your similarities. Find the compromise and use it.

Anyway, your partner’s musical taste says a lot about who they are. Do they prefer acoustic songs? They’re probably pretty sensitive and in touch with their feelings. Heavy mental means they like to rock out and typically don’t give a f*ck. Progressive rock shows they’re ready to take on new styles and appreciate odd musical influences. Musical theater? Showy and sassy! Classical? Profound and artistic. Jazz music signals a free spirit, someone who likes to groove. People who love pop music enjoy staying current with the times. Every musical styling says something different. What does your music style say about you or your partner?
Evaluate the kind of music you love compared to your partners. Are there similarities/differences? Does your partner prefer sweet melodies to rockin’ solos? Do they consider Nickelback’s debut album a work of genius (Why am I always hating on Nickelback? Because they’re what’s wrong with the world)? If so, do like Lester Bangs in Almost Famous. Be a musical mentor. Let your lover borrow the Rolling Stones, Yes, Cars, Cure, Clash or Bowie albums you undoubtedly have. Time to explore new horizons, one sexy song at a time.
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