Jill: The automatic and probably favored response to, “Who pays for what when we’re out?” is “The man, duh.” However, I’ve been in situations where I’ve been happy to pay for myself or have volunteered to cover the entire bill. Some women may think it’s nice to be paid for all the time. Well, it sure would be! Frugality is nice, but constantly being paid for and feeling like I’m not contributing personally makes me feel like a freeloader. I know such isn’t true, but I can’t help but feel that I should reciprocate the effort every once in a while. Men are human too and everyone wants to be taken care of (in some sense). Would it kill you to say, “Dinner’s on me,” every so often? I’m sure your man will appreciate it, even if he still refuses to let you pay. It’s a nice gesture that says, “I appreciate your company,” or “Thanks for coming out with me.” Also, don’t abandon the notion that if you’re doing several things that night, say bowling and drinks, have your guy pay for bowling (provided he offers), and then offer to pay for celebratory drinks afterward. You’ll both feel like you’ve contributed to the date and the fun you surely had together!
Erica: Although I ag

Is it time to end things?
Well, I have heard about this website, and have relationship problems. (Notice, in fact, I am a male.) Long story shortest... I met this girl at school. She isn't like everyone else, but that is what makes me happy. So then I found out she really like my best friend, and when I hang around with him she gets mad. But she is kinda still my friend, but we do get in fights a lot about how she... sort of doesn't do well with friendships. I always kinda talk about her, and joke about her, but people would not EVER think I like her. I don't know what to do at all. She is really great, but gets on my nerves with her loving my best friend. I don't know if I should tell her I like her, or not. I don't know when, or how. Now or then? Please help out... thanks!Erica: Good for you for liking a "different" girl. Different girls like me and Jill are the best kind. How can someone be not good with friendships? Thoroughly confused with that. And why can't you act like you actually like her around your friends? I'm sure they pick up on it anyways. And she might pick up on it too. She seems to be jealous of you for hanging out with the guy she likes. Whenever she gets upset with you for talking about your friend that she likes, just be like, "Hey, he's my friend, it's not my fault. Date him if you love him so much." And it doesn't really sound like she really likes you. But that can be from you guys bickering all the time. Try to slowly become more honest about how you're feeling. No one can fault you for thinking the way you do.
Jill: This may be a classic case of the have and have-nots. Do you know if she's interested in you romantically? It seems like from what you're saying she may not even be interested in being your friend, seeing as she doesn't "do well with friendships." I think the best thing is to find out if she's interested in you. If she's really interested in your friend, instead, and that makes you angry, it might just be more painful for you to try to maintain a friendship with her because you'll always be reminded that you can't have her. Think hard about this one and find out what she wants. It seems like you already know what you want. I know it's a little embarrassing and you have to put yourself on the line a little, but ask her straight up. Take a walk after school or just when you two are hanging out, bring up that you really like her and you want to know if she's worth pursuing. Trying to guess how she feels (incorrectly) may only end in heartache for you (or not, but you may never know if you never tell her!).
Comment on the “who pays” issue. For a first date, I generally think that whoever asks for the date should pay (but girls should always be prepared to pay too, or as my mom used to say, be prepared to pay for a cab ride home if the guy turns out to be an asshole).
ReplyDeleteIf a guy insists on paying the first couple of dates, sure, don’t turn down the free meal. You don’t need to make a scene over the check – smile and say thanks. But if you have been on a few dates or are to the point where you’re dating exclusively, one person shouldn’t always be the one paying, even if he “insists”. If a guy insists on paying for everything all the time, I don’t consider that chivalrous – I’d be concerned he has some kind of power trip. Again, this is once you’re in the “relationship” phase, not the “getting to know you first few dates phase.”
I also don’t think you should have to be sneaky when buying things for your man. You don’t have to be a sugar mamma and be all “look at my money!!” but I don’t think a woman paying for things should be seen as emasculating. If a man would rather go into debt than split the check every once in a while, that’s a red flag in my book.
Oh, and I can say from experience that being the breadwinner doesn’t drive your man into the arms of whores ;)
hey girls!! I love the blog! I am following it. i'll send some links out into my twitter feed so hopefully you'll get more followers!
Thanks Marjie! I'm glad you're liking the blog. We'd appreciate any publicity we can get!
ReplyDeleteKim- I agree with you. I think it's my inner feminist, but I don't think guys should get weird if girls want to pay for them self or pay for both. I think you're right about the red flag...if it's constant and incessant him paying for you, maybe you should be a little worried, unless you two have discussed the situation and that's what works for you guys. It all depends :)
well put ladies!
ReplyDeleteThanks Aar bear. :)